IBM Full Form | Full Form of IBM | International Business Machines Corporation

IBM Full Form | Full Form of IBM

IBM is an acronym for International Business Machines Corporation. It was founded in 1911 and is headquartered in Armonk, New York. IBM manufactures and sells computer hardware and software, as well as provides hosting and consulting services in areas ranging from mainframe computers to nanotechnology.

The company has been a large part of the technological revolution that we have seen over the past few decades. IBM has been a pioneer in many fields of computing, including artificial intelligence, speech recognition, and machine translation. Today IBM has one of the largest share of the personal computer market, and it is one of the major organizations worldwide.

Many of IBM's products have become global standards in their fields. For example, its original System/360 mainframe computer series was designed with a modular architecture that simplified upgrading and maintenance. This approach was applied to later models such as the System/370 and System/390 computers.

IBM became famous for its development of the first commercial PC in 1981, which was highly successful in world markets. At the same time, IBM is known for its invention of the floppy disk and the first mass storage format, called RAMAC (Random Access Method of Accounting and Control).
The IBM logo was created in 1924 by Lester Barnard. It was inspired by a line from Kipling's poem "The White Man's Burden", "First in peace, first in war, first in the hearts of his people."

The history of IBM goes back more than 100 years. On October 16, 1911, Thomas J. Watson, Sr., named as president of the computing department formed in New York. Later he became the chairman of the board and president.

During its heyday in 1950-60's and 1970s, IBM was a leader in many markets, including mainframe computers and minicomputers. In 1956, IBM introduced the first commercial machine that was faster than the previous model. It was called IBM 704 (701 and 702 were models).

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